Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pin-up Attempt

The day after the end of the semester, I left for France. After the beginning of the new year, I came home and quit my job. Now I spend all day sitting in a cafe drawing whatever I feel like. Typically it's more about character designs and studies (I'll scan some of those pages later and post 'em), but today I felt the urge to run around in the naked field. Doodling for 3 or 4 hours (at least two of those while on the phone..[yeah? uh huh. uh huh. wow. huh. oh. uh huh. that sucks. *doodledoodledoodle*])
Pin-Up Graphite

Later, I fixed it up in photoshop.
Pin-Up Digital

Still needs work, but I'm happy with where it's going.

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