Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Progress Report!

I always like to have something up and around my main project to switch to when my brain turns to mush after watching the same 2 seconds of movement for 8 hours.
This is the background project.

Reasons I like it:
While it's mainly action, it lends itself nicely to some sweet subtle characters.
Figuring out the foot placement has been interesting, as was acting this out until dizzy. Searching for reference offered many cute scenes of little kids in kitchenware being spun by their daddys'.
An excuse to animate a little kid! (ie: an excuse to ACT like a little kid)Not to mention spinning around with bags filled with books. I'll upload my reference soon.

**update** I showed this version to Jeff (instructor of character animation studio) instructor, and he had a lot of really great crits. I'm in the processes of reworking the timing and weight issues. Expect more and soon!

Do you have any suggestions? I'd love imput!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Demo Reel!

Hello to anyone who might be viewing this!

This is the current version of my 3D demo reel, which, of course, will be out of date by the end of the week.

For an example of my Flash work:
Click here to Go Fish!

A few more examples of my Sketches/Scribbles:

...How could I resist posting this?

Blocking for my current lipsync project: Fuzzy.

For less examples of my work, please visit

Friday, April 11, 2008

New Sketch!

After getting out of Chracter Animation Studio at 10o'clock on a thursday night, I felt like drawing.
Luckily, paper and pencil are always handy!


Friday, April 4, 2008

Fuzzying things out

Everyone works differently.
I like to start by taking a concept or piece of dialogue, and acting it out and sketching the basic poses. If it's dialogue, I'll time frame it out, and put some basic timing together.
The thing I'm working on right now says:
"He's really very... soft. ..and Fuzzy.. We're becoming fast friends."

Here's an animatic:

I had sketches, and the basic poses put together, and some of the timing, but I wasn't completely happy. So I made this, to simplify the movements without having to worry about floaty bits. It gives me a better idea of the main movements and what I want to improve in the 3D portion of the project.

From the animatic, is there anything you'd like to see changed? Any suggestions?

Well, apparently the acting is so subtle that youtube isn't even seeing it.
Before he turns to the pigbear, he should look down the other way, put an arm on the sofa, and *then* reach other. I have no clue why it's not working. *mutter*